Run towards your Redeemer
Micah 7: 18-19
This character of God gives us confidence to reach out to him even when we are wrong. Remember, the devil’s strategy is to separate you from God, but God wants you to run to him even when you have made a mistake.
Adam’s mistake was hiding from God when he made the mistake of eating the fruit, but when we run to God, He delights in mercy. His delight is not in punishing us but in pardoning us. He demonstrated that by sending his son Jesus to die on the cross for us when we were ungodly. He prepared the crown for us so that we may not bear the consequences of our sins, and he took it all away so that we may boldly come into the presence of God [Romans 5:9] Always remember God is not angry with you nor does he delight even in the death of the wicked, he desires that we come to him and repent and turn from our sinful ways.
Dear child of God, Could you run to Him instead of away from Him? If you have left God, run back to Him. If you are afraid that you have made a mistake, run to Him. He is not going to punish you, but he will pardon you. He is a loving, kind, compassionate, and merciful God.