The fullness of Christian life
John 3:16
This scripture is often understood as referring to eternal life in heaven, but it also speaks of the life we are meant to live on earth. This truth is best seen in the life of Jesus because He was looking at something that wasn’t seen or perceived by the five human senses. He showed us what it looks like to live as God would on earth.
Jesus demonstrated this kind of life in various ways: sleeping peacefully in a boat during a storm, trusting God to provide when feeding 5,000 people with only five loaves and two fish, submitting to the Father’s will by saying, “Not my will, but Yours be done,” and asking for forgiveness for His persecutors on the cross, saying, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.” This same understanding of faith enabled Paul and Silas to praise God while imprisoned and gave Paul courage in the face of persecution as he journeyed to Rome.
Dear child of God, believing in Jesus is not just about spending eternity with Him, but also about living a victorious, peaceful, and joyful life here on earth. May God help us to grasp this truth and trust Him in every moment.
God bless!