A Fruit Bearing Life
Luke 13:6-9
The hallmark of the Christian life is to be fruit-bearing, and this section gives us insights.
In this parable by our Lord, the owner looks for fruit in a fig tree in the third year. (Usually, it takes two years for the fig tree to bear fruits). Even though it is past the regular fruit bearing time and almost the time to fell the tree, the gardener intervenes to take up the responsibility to prune, fertilize, and gives all the needed care and nourishment so that it bears fruit. Post the special care and attention, if the fig tree is still not fruitful, it indicates a root problem, and the only action that the gardener can take is to cut the tree off.
Applying this truth to our lives, we know that we are all purchased by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. We are forgiven of our sins and assured of our eternal citizenship. So, this incredible freedom and assurance come with responsibility and accountability. God has given us unique gifts, talents, time, opportunities, and health to bear fruit for Him. If we don’t measure up to His expectations, even after the second chance, we would be judged severely.
Dear Christian, like the fig tree in the parable, the master gardener looks for fruits in our lives. May this year be the time to reset and align our priorities, resolutions and commitments to His will and purposes. Most importantly, let us grasp the eternal truth that we bear fruit only when we abide in Him (John 15:5)
God Bless!