Finish the race

Finish The Unfinished Work

Titus 1:5

Even though Paul had to leave Crete abruptly, he ensured to delegate the unfinished work to Titus. Through Titus, he accomplished the unfinished work of appointing leaders and teaching the Cretans the correct doctrine.

Like Paul, we suffer from pressing timelines, new priorities, and unfinished work is an everyday challenge. However, when we are compelled to leave tasks unfinished, let’s be careful to emulate Paul’s behavior. Instead of abandoning the unfinished work, let’s remain focused to train and delegate work to the trusted and able ones.

There is much-unfinished work at hand to carry the Gospel in our country. Remembering the excellent work achieved by our forefathers, let’s press on with faith, making the best use of resources, technology, and education to raise a godly generation/leaders and complete everything to the best of our abilities that are left unfinished.

May God’s grace guide us all to evangelize, teach His word and build His Church.


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