True Friend

A True Friend

Exodus 33:11

From the Old Testament to the New Testament, we read on how God desires to be our friend. He was the friend of Abraham, and in the above reference, we read that God spoke to Moses as one speaks to a friend, and in John 15:15 – Jesus calls His disciples as His friends. It is amazing to realize that the creator of this universe, the sovereign and almighty God desires to be our friend.

Often in our daily life, when we are caught up in perplexing situations, we seek help from a friend who is influential, hoping to find a solution. Here, I want to introduce you to a friend who is influential, has authority and above all, loves us and is willing to be our true friend. Yes, Jesus – The Great I’ AM who left heaven, came to earth, and shed His blood to save us from sin and eternal damnation.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever and desires to be our friend. Oh! what a blessed privilege it is!

Quoting the lines from the famous hymn – What a friend we have in Jesus by Joseph M. Scriven

Can we find a friend so faithful?

Who will all our sorrows share?

 Jesus knows our every weakness.

 Take it to the Lord in prayer.

May God help us all to invite Jesus into our lives to be our best friend.


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