The Peace Giver

Everyone craves peace. As individuals, we long for peace in our personal, professional, and social lives. Nations work for peace within the country and in their external relations. We are experiencing economic, social, political, and financial insecurities in the current times, and life seems to be spinning out of control. In such situations, few questions stand out? – Who can give me peace? Where can I find peace? How can I find my peace?

It is only a child of God who knows that our Lord Jesus Christ can give peace. The Bible calls Him the Prince of Peace. (John 14:27) Jesus Christ came to give peace, and it is not like the way that the world offers but something that is beyond our mind’s understanding. Attaining such peace is possible only when we abide in Christ in our daily walk. Accepting Christ as our saviour alone will not make us eligible for this peace. This is an ongoing process, where we must abide in Him and He in us (John 15:5). It calls for a more profound and meaningful relationship with Him. So, if you want the peace of God in your life, abide in His Word, else the value of life is wholly lost.

Practical Lesson: Progress on from merely reading the Bible to studying and meditating the Word of God. Only when we study, we discover the treasures.

Prayer: Father, may the Holy Spirit help me read, understand, and study your Word. Drive me to your feet to be nourished, strengthened and to prosper. In Jesus’ Name – Amen.

God’s Blessings!

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