The Source Of Healing

Exodus: 15:26

We need God’s healing in our life. When He says —I’ am your healer, it implies healing all areas of our life. Our God never leaves us bankrupt in one area while blessing us in another area. He alone can give us spiritual, physical, emotional, financial, and every other healing that we need, including our personal, professional, family, and social lives.

One of the primary teachings of Scripture is that healing is conditional. To experience such healing in our lives, we must be diligent in following the conditions laid down in the same verse.

To listen carefully

To do what is right

To pay attention

Yes, we must develop the habit of identifying and obeying the voice of God and be faithful to do what is right in the sight of God. We must train ourselves to develop the above habits to experience the healing touch of God. Like Caleb, if we have to say —the Lord has kept me alive and well, let us then learn to follow God the way He did wholly.

Practical Lesson

Let us consciously discipline ourselves to develop the habit of hearing, identifying and observing God’s commands.


Father, help me correct myself and be obedient to everything you have mentioned in your Word. Please give me the strength to move past my disobedience and grow in your likeness to experience the healing touch in my life.

In Jesus’ name – Amen!

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