His Unchanging Faithfulness

II Thessalonians 3:3

The Lord is faithful, and that was enough for Paul because he knew that he could not trust humankind. Yes, a man may be faithless and false, but God is faithful despite our inconsistencies, and He expands this promise of grace even further —the Lord pledged to strengthen and establish His children in the truth of His word. For we are His and, in His grace, He works in us and through us, for His good purpose. So, because He is faithful, He will establish us and guard us from the evil one.

(Lamentations 3:21–23) Even though Prophet Jeremiah grieved over Jerusalem’s fall, he took courage in knowing that God is faithful. God is completely trustworthy even when circumstances seem dim; He is faithful to sustain His people and bring good out of bad.

The Lord is faithful to provide for daily needs and provide a way of escape when we are tempted. God is true to His promises. He is not a man to lie or pull any punches. What He promises, He delivers.

Practical Lesson

Since God is faithful and called you and me with a purpose, He will establish it in our lives. On our part, we must remember that God is faithful.


Thank you, God, for all your faithfulness thus far. Continue to guide and protect my family and me from all evil.

In Jesus name. Amen.

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