Fullness Of Joy
What is fullness of joy? Before we understand God’s point of view about joy, let’s understand the difference between happiness and joy.
Happiness is usually a fleeting emotion and is often dependent on circumstances that can change. Joy, on the other hand, is found only when there is a relationship with Jesus Christ.
As God’s children, we have the joy of Jesus and the hope of heaven, and only in His presence we can experience that joy. Obedience to Him results in joy and as we obey, we might find His ways and guidelines restrictive, but be assured that they will always produce joy because they give us healthy boundaries and protection.
Accepting Christ and His joy does not mean that we will not have any problems. It means He will give us something far better than a trouble-free life, and that is His presence.
“Joy is not necessarily the absence of suffering; it is the presence of God.”
~ Sam Storms.
Practical Lesson
To experience greater joy:
We must lay down the things that charm us.
We must stop looking around at our circumstances instead start looking up to Jesus.
We must walk not by the words of the world but by the word of God.
Father Lord, I pray and submit my life into your hands. Fill my life with your presence. Turn my tears into a celebration, my tests into testimonies and my sorrows into joy.