Be Alone
Be alone!
That is God’s way of working.
(Exodus 24:2) Here, Moses had Aaron, Hur, few elders of Israel, young men, Joshua, and the people of Israel. However, Moses needed to be alone and note that it is God’s way of working.
There was a time when Jacob was left alone. (Genesis 34:24) likewise, Daniel, to see a vision (Daniel 10:7-8). Jeremiah, the prophet, was in a dungeon for many days (Jeremiah 37:16), and Jesus too, when He went to pray, was always alone with His Heavenly Father (Matthew 14:23)
All the above explain the timeless truth that God allows His children to be alone. His pattern for His chosen ones is to prune, refine, bring a shape, and know his heart. Is God so intimately involved in a man? Yes!
For some, it can be a traumatic sickness or be away from family. In all this, no matter the situation, be encouraged that God is at work in your life to bring you closer to Him by faith and not by sight. Dear believer in Christ, do not be discouraged; instead, thank the opportunity when God allows a painful experience to be alone. Accept it by faith and even if you don’t see or feel it, being alone is not necessarily in seclusion. It is a walk with God!