Prayer – The Powerful Weapon
Prayer is often understood as communicating with God. However, only a believer firmly rooted in God will know the more profound truth that it is a weapon. II Corinthians 10:4–5 and Ephesians 6:11 explain prayer as a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare. So, every battle that we face requires two aspects:
Readiness — Every battle, big or small requires readiness. It means minus all the superficiality, every battle encountered should be faced with boldness; like the one who can fight head-on. We need to be the real soldiers, well trained and well equipped. Genesis 14:14 — Abraham knew that the enemies were all real people. Therefore, before any attack, he had his men trained for pursuit and battle. Battles need the fortitude to run and fight. So, let us gird ourselves with spiritual strength before we face fierce fighting with the wicked one.
Paul in II Corinthians 2:11 says that we should not be ignorant of Satan’s schemes because he gets an advantageous place when he knows that we are unaware of his plans. The wicked one is active to:
Destroy relationships, churches, and homes.
Disturb our rest, peace and harmony
Cause us to doubt the goodness of our Lord and the credibility of His word.
Introduce reason, logic, and experience to stumble us in our faith
As vigilant Christians, we should be watchful of his treacherous plans. Therefore, watch and pray (Matthew 26:41) and readiness involves spiritual fitness and the knowledge of God’s word drives away ignorance.
Reliance — A true believer will understand that reliance is to trust the infallible word of God. The second important aspect is depending on God. Just the way, the battles that we face are real, the prayers must be from the heart and not be a vain repetition of words. In the Old Testament, the prayer of Jehoshaphat is the perfect example of what we should do when we face battles.
(II Chronicles 20: 3–4) — He sought the Lord when he was afraid.
(II Chronicles 20:6–8) — He prayed with the knowledge of God’s word
(II Chronicles 20:9) — He prayed with an assurance of answer to his prayer
(II Chronicles 20:10–13) — He continued to pray even when the situation got hopeless
(II Chronicles 20:14–15) — He was encouraged in faith to get relief through God’s word
(II Chronicles 20:16–17) — He obtained directions
(II Chronicles 20:18–21) — Finally, he worshipped God with all His people, and it is the culmination of making prayer is a powerful weapon in the spiritual warfare
Believer in Christ, be encouraged that God’s great works in the past and definite assurance that He is faithful to deliver will sustain us in every battle that we face.