The real possibility – No condemnation

James 5 19-20

Here, James is writing this immediately after talking about Prophet Elijah. He says that Elijah was a man full of passion, just like us, but with his sincere prayers, he brought rain and, before that, stopped the rain, too. Likewise, anyone can pray and simultaneously bring about a miracle, no matter how strong or weak. There can be moments in our lives where we may backslide, but we must not give up.

Also, when we know that a person has fallen from grace, we must not be quick to condemn them because condemnation can never bring a person back to the Lord. Instead, we must use the same tool Jesus used – reminding people of the Father’s unconditional love. While there is no excuse for sinning, there is room for repentance. Let’s remember that our God draws us towards him with compassion and kindness, and as His children, we must exhibit the same qualities.

Dear Christian, God loves a backslider as much as He loves anyone. I pray that our hearts be filled with love, compassion, and wisdom to restore the lost souls to His kingdom. May our Lord equip us for this excellent work!.

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