Spiritual Vigilance
A significant word in this passage is watching. Taking heed means being careful/cautious and watching what is happening in life. Often, we consider watching as something happening outside, but here, Jesus mentions watching inside. For example – lest your heart be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life implies what is happening inside.
In (1 Peter 5:8), we are reminded to be sober and vigilant because the enemy awaits an opportunity to devour. Paul often says – I examine myself, and we are called to do the same. We must watch our thoughts, intentions in the light of God’s Word and know where our heart is leading us. If our focus is on the cares of this world, we can be overwhelmed.
Dear child of God, I encourage you to dig deep into God’s Word, which is the mirror for our inside man. Unless we are clean from the inside, we won’t be ready to stand before the Lord. So, let’s be vigilant to watch our hearts.
God Bless