GOD’S Messengers
John 1:49
Nathaniel believed the words of Jesus, and therefore, Jesus said to him that He would experience greater things; in the next verse, He explains how the heavens will open and angels of God ascend and descend on the Son of Man. When Jesus says you will see heavens being opened, He meant access to heaven and angels – the ministering spirits coming to our aid to fulfil God’s purpose in our lives, which was unfortunately lost because of man’s sin and disobedience but restored because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
In His lifetime, we find the angels came from heaven to strengthen when He was tempted by Satan and in the Garden of Gethsemane. We also read Elijah was helped by an angel during his journey. Similarly, an angelic messenger was sent immediately after Daniel’s supplication.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, when we believe in Jesus Christ and accept His Lordship, we receive this angelic ministry. Be encouraged to know that He has given His Angels charge over us to guard in all our ways (Psalm 91:11) which implies that in times of great trials, God’s angels will come to our aid and we will find the heavenly strength. May you enjoy and experience more angelic ministry to fulfil God’s will.
God’s blessings!