A Changed Life

Luke 19:9

During Jesus’ time, tax collectors were much hated because they served the Romans at the expense of their own countrymen. Zacchaeus, a Jew, was the chief and corrupt tax collector. Though he earned wealth, he could not gain goodwill amongst his brethren. However, Jesus was concerned about him. He neither cared for his past nor his status in society as He was on a mission — seeking and saving the lost.

 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is still looking for us and stretches out His hands to seek us. On our part, like Zacchaeus, we must be quick to respond to His invite into our lives and homes and further on by separating ourselves from the world. Only when we can do that, we shall find a glorious future in Christ.


The call for separation from the crowd is tough but is worth it. Only those who seek Jesus, in the real sense, will find Him.


Dear God, give me the wisdom to seek you because you alone can bring the complete transformation of my life. Like Zacchaeus, I invite you into my life and my home.

In Jesus’ name – Amen.

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