Acquiring Humility
John 13:12-17
Here, Jesus was teaching one of the most important lessons to His disciples: His serving and humbling don’t make them greater than Him. Likewise, when we humble ourselves, it doesn’t make us lower than we are, or when we keep up our status with pride and position, it doesn’t make us any greater.
Philippians 2 tells us that Jesus humbled Himself, which means He lowered Himself from what He is. As King of Kings, the Lord of glory, the creator of heavens and earth, He came down as a human being, which did not make him lesser than God. Further on, the Bible tells us that through humility, He became obedient to the cross and received a name above every name. Before His name, every knee, power, principality, and opposition will bow down.
Dear child of God, know that humility doesn’t reduce your value; it increases. Don’t be hesitant to bend down or serve people under you. Don’t be reluctant to wash their feet. As Spurgeon says – Humility is to feel that we have no power over ourselves but that it all comes from God. Humility is to say that I have the gift and must use it for my Master’s glory. May God guide us all to know this truth and to implement it. (John 13:17)