Church – An Adorable Bride

Acts 20:28

In Ephesians, we read that Jesus loved and gave Himself for the Church, and it is against the Church that the gates of hell shall not prevail. This explains how important the Church is in the sight of God as it is only in Acts 20:28 there is a reference where the Bible talks about God’s blood, which implies God’s own life – a price paid to purchase the Church. Often, we talk about individual salvation, redemption and much more. However, amid all this, we must understand that God’s heart is for His Church.

 The Church is where we see God’s fullness and the means through which God will manifest His power, love, and glory. So, we are called to love the Church of Jesus Christ as much as Jesus loved the Church. We are often negligent or indifferent towards the Church, but we must understand if Jesus sacrificed Himself for the Church, how much more as His children should we be concerned about His Church.

Dear child of God, I encourage you to be a part of a good Bible-based Church. While our faith is personal, as we grow, we are supposed to move ahead together as the Church of Jesus Christ.  A fellowship and meeting believers is an integral part of our Christian walk and God’s mandate of holiness. Remember that the Church is not an entity but purchased by God’s blood.  

God Bless!

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