Now is the time

Fulfilment of His Promises

Ezekial 12:28

The Bible declares that heaven and earth can pass away, but God’s Words will never pass away. It implies that God takes responsibility for every word that He has spoken. In Isaiah 55:11, God says that His word will never return empty but accomplish/fulfil the purpose it has been sent and then return to the Father. As His children, we must show the same confidence that God has in the word. We must firmly believe that when God speaks, it will happen. Everything will come to pass in the appointed season and time.

The Bible declares that a vision or promise of what God spoke is for the right season. When God spoke about the deliverance of Israel from Egypt, it was fulfilled at the right season. Likewise, when the prophets declared about the coming of the Messiah, at the right season, Jesus was born. Now, the same promises will be fulfilled at the right time, and we are in the season where we will see His promises coming true.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, like Abraham who believed and was convinced that God is able to perform what He has promised. (Romans 4:21) Let’s hold tightly to the promises without unwavering faith, boldly declaring and looking forward to its fulfilment.

God Bless!

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