Growing in HIS Likeness

1 John 3:8

Note the line – For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. It implies that the devil’s works are destroyed wherever Jesus, the son of God, is manifested. In this world, the son of God is manifested through our lives. Whatever we say or do, we show forth Jesus to the world. When the disciples of Jesus did mighty work, the people around them said – we know that these people were with Jesus. It means that they manifested Jesus, and what they saw through these disciples was primarily their association with Jesus.

In our life, our words, actions, and attitude must manifest Jesus. The people around us must see Jesus through whatever we do and speak. When we speak with love, have purity in our hearts and thoughts, live a life of integrity, and walk in humility, we will manifest Jesus and destroy the strongholds of the devil every time we do so. Often, we are fearful of the evil that the devil could bring into our lives, but we forget that the key to destroying the works of the devil is with us. All that we must do is to let Jesus be seen through our lives. Not by loud declaration but by meekness, we will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5)

Dear child of God, let’s consciously manifest Jesus through our lives. It is a simple yet powerful action that can destroy the devil’s works. May God help us all to reflect Christ in our daily life beginning with our family and then to the world.

God Bless!

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