Hope – An Anchor Of The Soul

Isaiah 40:31

The Old Testament is full of examples of how God’s people placed their trust in Jehovah and found that He is a faithful God and that He indeed gives strength to those who wait upon Him. The verse above tells us about God’s greatness and man’s weakness.

In our lives, too, any situation that we face can be a trial of endurance and change. When God makes His children walk through such problems, it is to equip them to fulfil His great plan and purpose for us. In the process, He takes away whatever is unnecessary and shapes our character and attitudes. Above all, He never leaves us during the times of correction, and He watches over us and renews our strength day by day.

During our times of testing and waiting, let’s be mindful of the following three principles:

Hope – Let’s have God as our only hope. When grief and sorrow seem to engulf our lives, we are inclined to question if God is with us. We may hear voices telling us to quit and forsake our trust and hope. Even in such situations, remember that the one in you is greater than the one in the world.

Be Still – Let’s take time to be alone with God. We must learn to spend quality time with Christ every day and then quit things that displease our Lord. Let the gentle Holy Spirit search our lives to purify our character.

Submit – Let’s submit to His sovereignty. It is acknowledging His authority and that all things are under His control. Since He has plans to prosper us, we must learn to submit to His will.

Everyone who waits on the Lord will rise and soar like an Eagle.

PRACTICAL LESSON: Let not your hopes be shattered. Encourage yourself daily in the Lord.

PRAYER: Father, I pray in Jesus’ name, strengthen me, empower me and renew my strength to overcome all spiritual, physical and financial obstacles of my life.


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