Knowing HIM

The revelation of Jesus will indeed transform our lives. Only when we understand this truth will we see the power of God in our lives. Peter was an ordinary fisherman till he met and had a revelation about Jesus Christ. He went on to be the Apostle. Likewise, Paul and the other disciples of Christ. Once they perceived the truth and accepted it, they turned the world upside down.

On the other hand, the Jews failed to grasp this revelation as Jesus did not fit into their imagination. When Jesus said before Abraham was born, I am (John 8:58). Instead of recognizing the voice of God, they were blinded and wanted to stone him to death. They failed to understand that God’s ways are always higher than ours; likewise, His thoughts are higher than ours. (Isaiah 55:8)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the Bible says if you hear the voice of God, do not harden your hearts. He is able to strengthen you and make you victorious. I encourage you to receive the revelation of who Jesus is and accept it. 

God bless you!

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