Now is the time

Now Is the Time

Esther 4:14

The verse brings to our attention three essential truths:

– There is always a time to react.

– If we don’t act according to His plans/ purposes, God will still accomplish it through someone else.

– Perhaps, we are created for this unique opportunity to witness for Him.

In one’s lifetime, there are countless opportunities where we are called to be bold in crisis. Such situations are perplexing because both the problem and the righteous stand that we take are daunting. Esther, in her lifetime, had such situation. Her silence or boldness could bring death to her and her fellow citizens, and in such a critical time, Esther seized the opportunity with boldness and accomplished God’s plan. In our lives too, when the situation demands, we must take every opportunity to react with courage – in preaching that Jesus is coming soon, strengthening His servants in ministry, or caring for neighbours, poor and oppressed. Like Esther, let us never look at the problem but react boldly, and God will surely help.

Secondly, God is never dependent on an individual to accomplish His plans and purposes. He can use any situation, person, the entire creation or even stones to preach the Gospel. So, we must realize every opportunity to witness for Him as a God-given opportunity.

Thirdly, Mordecai’s words to Esther are powerful – “Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” This should remind us that maybe we are born for such a time as this. I encourage you all to let the year 2022 be a year of boldness to stand for Christ, proclaim His Word far and wide and work in partnership with the God of heaven and earth to accomplish His plans

Let’s preach Christ with boldness!

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