GOD’S Messengers
John 1:49 Nathaniel believed the words of Jesus, and therefore, Jesus said to him that He would experience greater things; in the next verse, He explains how the heavens will open and angels of God ascend and descend on the Son of Man. When Jesus says you will see heavens being opened, He meant access…
Acquiring Humility
John 13:12-17 Here, Jesus was teaching one of the most important lessons to His disciples: His serving and humbling don’t make them greater than Him. Likewise, when we humble ourselves, it doesn’t make us lower than we are, or when we keep up our status with pride and position, it doesn’t make us any greater….
Foundation Of Christian Life
Colossians 3: 3-4 This scripture can be interpreted in many ways. It is securing our lives in Christ to the point that we realize that this life doesn’t belong to us but to Him alone. However, another important truth to consider is to understand the words – When Christ, who is our life, appears… This…
Trust – The Firm Foundation
Psalms 11 (1-3) For a believer, a firm foundation is to always trust in the Lord and never lean on one’s own understanding because our understanding can shake the foundation of our trust. If the foundations are shaken or destroyed, it is impossible to withstand the enemy’s attacks. That’s why the Bible insists on shaping…
Spiritual Vigilance
A significant word in this passage is watching. Taking heed means being careful/cautious and watching what is happening in life. Often, we consider watching as something happening outside, but here, Jesus mentions watching inside. For example – lest your heart be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life implies what is happening…