Partnering with God
I Samuel 14: 6
That day, Jonathan and his armour bearer won a great victory for the whole nation of Israel. It happened because Jonathan had an understanding that it was God’s power and ability that would bring victory. That’s why he said — “for nothing can hinder the LORD from saving by many or by few.” Jonathan’s decision to partner with God gave him confidence and success.
Remember, Jesus said — “take my yolk upon you; my yolk is easy, and my burden is light.” That’s partnering with God, and when we can partner with God, the most difficult tasks become easy — not because of our ability, but because of our partnership with God. In the course of our lives, we will face challenging or impossible situations. However, if we can take His yolk upon us, which means — to partner with him, then He will make all things possible. He will strengthen us. It doesn’t matter how much of an ability we possess; what matters is that God’s ability is working in our lives. The Bible shows that God takes up the weak to confound the mighty. He picks the poor to shame the rich.
Dear child of God, decide to partner with God, and you will see supernatural victories, strength for the day, discernment and much more. Remember, your partnership with God makes the impossible possible.