In the quiet hours of the morning,
My head bowed, kneeling,
I thought of His mercy and grace,
That I experienced all my life, in every phase.
The countless ways in which He provided,
Through trials He disciplined and chided.
Had it not been for Him, I would not have survived,
“Through it all, You have been so faithful!” I cried.
Then came a desire in my heart,
What can I offer Him, praise apart?
Alas! If only I knew what He valued the most,
I’d love to offer it to the Lord of Hosts.
What can please Him who is the most High?
What will He receive from me & make Him sigh?
In the quiet corner of my silent mind came a voice,
“Soul” is what is precious to Him, nothing else His choice.
Ah! How foolish of me thought I,
Wasn’t it to redeem souls, He sent His Son to die?
To God the most precious thing is each soul,
He wants them saved, that is His goal!
A soul He values more than His own life,
He won over sin, death and strife.
A redeemed soul, His priced possession,
Hence, He gave me the Great commission.
He gave His everything, His all,
Oh! if only they could hear His call.
We are His voice to this lost generation,
Remember, a costly price was paid for our redemption.