Progressive Journey
A Christian’s life is a life of progress. It is where God takes us from glory to glory and victory to victory amid battles, opposition, and resistance. Progress is similar to how the people of Israel were delivered from the Egyptians through the Red Sea. Then, across Jordan and taking possession of the land flowing with milk and honey. Another analogy to understand this truth is, like Jesus, after His resurrection, being exalted and seated on the right hand of the Father.
As we begin another year, we must be sure of God’s place and careful of the Devil’s plan. In Hebrews 12:1 onwards, while talking about Faith and the cloud of witness that watches us, the Bible reminds us that we don’t carry weight or be entangled with sin, which can easily trap us. Sin can pull us down if we are negligent, and our progressive journey can be halted. Since we know through Ephesians 1:7 and 1 John 1:7 that our sins are forgiven through the blood of Jesus, we must use the blood of Jesus to break the dominion of sin.
Dear child of God, Do not be entangled with sin or be yoked with things or people God told us to keep away. Remember, His yoke is easy. Therefore, surrender to Him, and He will take you on the path of progress.May our Lord help us all to submit to Him and give us the strength to resist the Devil (James 4:7).