Receiving HIS Word

John 17: 6

Here, Jesus is saying a prayer over His disciples, and it mentions an essential truth that Jesus gave to His disciples. It is the Words that He received from His Father which He passed it on to His disciples, and the Bible mentions that they accepted the Words (John 17:8). On one occasion, When Jesus’ teachings were hard to accept, many deserted Him and when He asked His disciples as why they were still following Him? Peter replied – where else can we go as you have the eternal Words (John 6:68). It implies that the rustic disciples realized that the most precious things they were receiving were the Words spoken by Jesus. They believed those Words could sustain them, carry them through the most challenging situations and give them victory.

In the book of 1 Samuel 2:21, the Bible tells God revealed himself to Samuel through His Word. As His children, when we receive the Word spoken by our Lord, we allow God to manifest through us. His power, wisdom, love, goodness, kindness, compassion and many more qualities are manifested through His Word.

Dear believer in Christ, I urge you to pay attention to your Bible. This book is from God, and every Word in it is inspired and has the power to give life. May we all learn to love God’s Word so much that we cannot keep the good news to ourselves.

God bless!

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