Person Hands on Holy Bible

Substance of Faith

When we read about the heroes of faith in (Hebrews 11) the one common factor of the people listed here across various generations, timelines, and circumstances is that by faith, they withstood the test, struggles and challenges. The role and significance of faith are of great importance in a Christian’s life, and there is no way that you can separate the two. In other words, without faith, there is no Christian life (Hebrews 11:16).

A Christian’s life begins by faith (Ephesians 2:8), continues in faith (Hebrews 12:2) and closes by faith (II Timothy 4).

Background of this epistle

Before we dwell on this chapter, it is essential to understand the context of this epistle —who wrote to whom and in which situation to glean the truth and apply it in our lives for a more incredible blessing. 

The author wrote this letter to the Hebrews who converted from Judaism and started to believe in Jesus. In Hebrews 10: 32-39, we read that these new believers endured great struggles and suffered insults and condemnation for their allegiance to Jesus. It is remarkable to read that the/a few went through trials and tribulations because they believed the precious inheritance that awaited them in heaven and for which they were willing to let go of all their earthly possessions. However, another group couldn’t withstand the pressures and suffering inflicted by their Jewish brethren and to escape that, they left Christ for Law and rituals. Addressing them, Paul reiterated their familiar truths and urged them not to return to their former ways.

Substance in Christ

 Writing to the Church, Paul emphasizes that the substance is in Christ while the law is only the shadow of the coming Christ. The author goes on to say that Christ Jesus is the one who fulfils the law and that His sovereignty reigns over all and everything. He is superior to Aaron, Moses, the High Priests and all their sacrifices. Finally, he lists all the men who operated by faith (Hebrews 11), from the Patriarchs to prophets to commoners who believed in God’s Word, knew that at the appointed time, the world’s Saviour would be born to a virgin. They were looking forward to that glorious revelation of God on earth in human form and added that such a great cloud of witnesses surrounded them (Hebrews 12). Now, all they had to do was to be like them, leave all sin, focus on Jesus and run the race of life with patience and hope. 

 Essence of faith

In the Bible, it is only in Hebrews we find the definition of faith. So, what is the true form or meaning or summary of faith? In whom or which thing did the people put their faith? What is the anchor or hope for their faith? Hebrews 11 has the answer. Though not comprehensive, it defines and provides a detailed analysis with examples. It says – Faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. 

  • Hebrews 11:1. All the people listed in this chapter had put their trust in God. They were a bunch of God-confident people who believed in His Word, His covenant, His promises and His revelation. 
  • Hebrews 11:2. The elders mentioned here are Adam, Eve and their son Abel, followed by the Patriarchs and the prophets of the Old Testament. By faith, Abel worshipped God, Enoch walked with God, Noah worked for God, and Abraham waited on God. All the people there on lived by faith and waited for the coming of the Messiah. It is evident that by faith, they believed God by His Word, which was sufficient for them. So, their life, worship, work, courage, and struggle were all accepted as their role in fulfilling God’s great plan for salvation.
  • Hebrews 11:3. Interestingly, the author links faith to God’s creation while talking about the heroes of faith. The reason is that God spoke and brought the whole universe into existence from emptiness. 
  • Hebrews 1:1-3. By the power of His Word, the worlds were created and when we look at the creation, by faith, we believe that God created it and that it was not created out of a substance. Likewise, as His children, we must, by faith, believe that a new heaven and a new earth await us and that God has prepared a home for us to be with Him forever.

All the people listed in Hebrews 11 believed in the new creation, His coming, and His revelation. Therefore, they have a testimony. It is beautiful to note that they couldn’t see what they believed in their own lifetime, yet, they believed (Hebrews 11:39-40). Even though they had not received what God promised, they believed they were sojourners on this earth and looked forward to their heavenly home (Hebrews 11:13).

The one common thread that binds all the people mentioned in Hebrews 11 is that their life with God began by faith; it was continued by faith; in testing times, they protected their faith and finished their life by faith. And when Paul encouraged Timothy to “continue in what you have learned and firmly believed…” he was referring to the faith of the heroes listed in this chapter. Paul also mentions Hymenaeus and Alexander as examples of those who couldn’t fight the good fight of faith and suffered shipwreck concerning their faith (I Timothy: 18-19) and finally, Paul warned that in the end times, many will abandon their faith and follow the deceiving spirits (I Timothy 4:1)


In Luke 18:8, our Lord Jesus questions if He will find faith on earth, when He comes? Now that we know that we are living in the end times and the second coming of our Lord is near, let’s ask ourselves if our Lord returns, will he find faith? Jesus often talked about lack of faith, faith, little faith, and great faith. He wept over the hypocritical life of the Pharisees and over the city of Jerusalem. He was pained when the disciples lacked faith on a stormy night. He commended the Syrophoenician Woman and Roman Centurion for their great faith. Since our Christian journey must begin by faith, carried on and completed by faith, like the disciples, we must ask Lord to increase our faith and move from little faith to great faith.


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