The Covenant Keeper

Exodus 3:6

Have you ever wondered why God introduces Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

As the God of Abraham, He meant that He is the God who calls and chooses. He chose Abraham and promised to make him the father of many nations, which was impossible at the moment. It means that when God calls and chooses someone, He does the impossible.

As the God of Isaac, He meant to show His power in providence. None certainly had an experience as close as Isaac to be on the altar as a sacrifice and witness God as Jehovah Jireh — the Lord will provide.

As the God of Jacob, He meant to be a covenant-keeping God. The promise given to Abraham was fulfilled in the life of Jacob when he became the father of 12 tribes, and further on, the family became a nation when they moved out of Egypt. Jacob experienced God as the one who never forgets or breaks His promises.

So, remember that our God is the one who calls and chooses us with a purpose to be a blessing. He not only calls but provides in supernatural ways, being our Jehovah Jireh. And He is the covenant-keeping God from generation to generation. Blessed are we when we call Him our God.

Practical Lesson: Trust in God and walk in faith. Don’t measure your future with what you have today, and we don’t know what God has kept for us in His store. Prayer: Father, I pray that you help me to walk by faith and not by sight. And may your grace be from generation to generation.

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