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The Nature of Sin

Genesis 2:9

We read about how God created all kinds of trees – pleasing to the eyes and good for food, tree of life and knowledge of good and evil. He desired that Adam enjoy the fruit of all the trees except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In the following chapter (Genesis 3:6), we read how they both failed to follow the command of God and instead ate the fruit and brought sin, punishment, and death into this world.

Soon their son, Cain, harboured jealousy and hatred against his brother and became a murderer. The sin became rampant so much that LORD regretted that he made human beings (Genesis 6:6), and what follows is man’s extreme wickedness and depravity that He decided to wipe out with the great flood.

God only found Noah and His family faithful in the entire world, which explains the large-scale devastation that sin can bring. When God tells Cain that sin is crouching at the door (Genesis 4:7), He intended the presence and nature of sin. Note that sin spreads like an uncontrollable wildfire consuming everything along the way. When you carefully read the Bible, you will notice that with every generation, the wickedness of men has been increasing.

As God’s children, we battle with sin every day, and the Good News is that our Lord has crushed sin at the foot of the cross and has overcome it, and His grace is more significant than any power of sin. Unless we put up the guardrails of prayer in our lives, we are all vulnerable to attacks. Let’s be mindful that sin stops God’s gifts from being manifested. Therefore, let’s be diligent to practice the words of our Lord in our daily life – Watch and pray (Matthew 26:41)

God Bless

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