The Righteousness of GOD

Psalm 5:7-8

Here, King David is conscious that it is only the mercy of God that brings him into His presence and as he enters God’s presence in reverential fear, his prayer is to walk in God’s way. A unique aspect of David’s prayer in found in verse 8 – he desires to walk in right path or choose God’s ways even when enemies surround him. He further says – make your way straight before my face. It implies David’s earnest zeal to understand God’s plan of action, His will and, in response to that, what he must do and how his attitude should be.

David knew that no matter how crooked the ways of the wicked may be, his response to wickedness is only by walking in God’s righteous ways. A guaranteed victory over evil people is by walking in the righteous ways of God. That’s what we read in the New Testament, where Jesus says – do not repay evil with evil, but repay it with good, bless the ones who curse you, pray for them who spitefully use and persecute you.  Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, remember you must overcome evil with good. The good that comes from God is far more powerful than the devil’s wickedness. The righteousness of God is far more powerful than sin/evil actions. So, let us, therefore, walk in the righteous ways of God.

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