Wisdom in Silence

The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent ( Exodus 14:14 – ESV)

Psalm 39:1-4

Here, King David was under tremendous pressure, yet he was conscious not to sin by his words and instead chose to be silent. To remain silent under oppression is tough, and in such situations, David channelled his anger and bitterness to God. He began to speak to God and not to the wicked people around him. Instead of complaining and murmuring, David humbled himself and believed that God never makes mistakes.

There is wisdom in maintaining silence, and centuries later, in the Gospels, we read about Jesus, the son of David, standing in silence when The council and the high priests questioned him. Like David, Jesus submitted Himself to the will of the heavenly father.

Dear brother and sister in Christ, let’s take this life lesson from David and our Lord to be silent in times of great difficulties. Instead of sharing the problem with people, let’s talk to God because He alone can give a solution. When bitter, vengeful thoughts assault us, let’s not give voice to it rather remain silent and speak to God.

May God guide us to apply this truth in our lives.


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