Your Timely Helper
(Psalm 9:10)
We can be assured of God’s provision and His love because He promised that He would never leave nor forsake us. When we hold fast to that promise, it’ll revolutionize our life. It is because, deep down in our heart, we will know that when everything else is stripped away, when all the things that we are attached are gone, to the very end of everything, we still have the strong assurance that only God holds life and it is only God who matters. Only when we learn to rely on Him, we can continue to hear the still small voice of God speaking peace and comfort. In our times of trouble, struggles and temptations, our refuge and help is from Him alone and He will never disappoint us. In fact He does more than our expectations.
Often, we have a hard time getting this truth in our lives. We are quick to give into reason, believe people and put our trust on worldly stuff, but the Bible teaches us to trust in the Lord at all times as He alone is our refuge, a stronghold in time of trouble. To move all from the distractions that rob our peace and time to focus on Christ alone is a conscious decision which must be diligently practiced. Let us believe in Christ and His Word to see our lives transformed.
PRACTICAL LESSON: Start seeking God for all your needs. When we seek Him first, He will surely save you and make you a living testimony.
PRAYER: Father Lord, I believe in you that you will never leave me or forsake me. Please give me the spirit to seek you diligently that I may not fail. Forgive me in all my areas where I could not seek your counsel.
In Jesus’ name – Amen