We Have Hope

We Have Hope

The early Church endured and survived the great persecution with prayer and preaching the Gospel. Even though they were scattered, attacked, and suffered many untold miseries, they still went from town to town carrying the Good News of Christ. It is amazing to note that extreme suffering and persecution opened new avenues for Gospel and…

Finish The Unfinished Work

Finish The Unfinished Work

Titus 1:5 Even though Paul had to leave Crete abruptly, he ensured to delegate the unfinished work to Titus. Through Titus, he accomplished the unfinished work of appointing leaders and teaching the Cretans the correct doctrine. Like Paul, we suffer from pressing timelines, new priorities, and unfinished work is an everyday challenge. However, when we…

A True Friend

A True Friend

Exodus 33:11 From the Old Testament to the New Testament, we read on how God desires to be our friend. He was the friend of Abraham, and in the above reference, we read that God spoke to Moses as one speaks to a friend, and in John 15:15 – Jesus calls His disciples as His…

The Nature of Sin

The Nature of Sin

Genesis 2:9 We read about how God created all kinds of trees – pleasing to the eyes and good for food, tree of life and knowledge of good and evil. He desired that Adam enjoy the fruit of all the trees except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In the following chapter (Genesis…

The Divine Help

The Divine Help

Ezra 4: 4-5 The adversary is always on the job to increase the troubles for God’s people. Here, Zerubbabel’s and his associates’ efforts to restore the temple were met with stiff opposition and false accusations. Then God uses his prophet- Zechariah, to remind that it is not by might, not by power, but by His spirit,…